Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Superette Short Shorts

This is a very clever way of advertising by DDB New Zealand for Superette's line of short shorts. The way that is works is that when someone wearing short shorts sits on one of these benches, it will leave an imprint of their thighs showing the name of the brand and so on. They were very clever in the way that  they located the benches, they only out them in the inner city and fashion district bus stops, malls and park benches. That ay only the trendiest people will have the message on them.  It's also good because it gives them free marketing and free models to express the message.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Ojai Valley Taxidermist | Viral Marketing

Last year there was a viral video created by YouTube partners Rhett and Link. It was for the Ojai Valley Taxidermist, Chuck Testa. You may have heard of him. The video itself has over 12.9 million views and impressive amount for a independent taxidermist, but how? It was created to be one of the most embarrassingly awful attempts at advertising complete with awkward dialogue,  bad acting, flat voices and rubbish special effects. It did those things so badly that it became an internet sensation.

After the video had gained some attention on the website Reddit. The notion became an inside joke, a meme. The joke went on for weeks long after the video had become stale and old news. People started to hate anything and everything to do with chuck testa because the joke went on for too long. 


The Blend Tec Blender is a super blender capable of blending almost everything. But how does one demonstrate the capabilities of such a blender? With a viral videos and a Youtube Channel of course!

Blend Tec has a very smart marketing campaign in which it challeges itself with things blend. The lists include, an Ipadmarbles, and even a golfclub.

The typical style of BlendTec adverts use a very cheesy 80's style gameshow. It has created inside jokes and catchphrases, (will it blend?, don't breathe that) something that will constantly be referenced within the online community because of it's viral attributes. This kind of popularity is something that many companies covet greatly. 

Chat Roulette Last Exorcism Advert.

A while ago when chat roulette was popular and the Last Exorcism film was about to come out, Lionsgate came out with a viral marketing campaign for the film. The plan was to hack into chat roulette and set an output to a clip where it would scare people and display a message. I won't ruin it for you if you haven't seen it  already. 

Lionsgate did a great job with this one because when you would see an attractive girl on a website like chat roulette taking her clothes off. You wouldn't think about something scaring you, it catches you off guard where you are most vulnerable. That scare is something you will never forget and it's something that you would tell your friends about the next day. Well done, Lionsgate. Give yourself a pat on the back. 

Skyfall Coke Zero Advertisement

Coke zero has created an advert for the new James Bond Film: Skyfall. In the advert there you had 70 seconds to unlock the 007 in you in order to obtain a free ticket to the film. But the challenge were the obstacles implemented within the run such as oranges falling from a stand, a lady coming out of nowhere claiming to know the runner and glass pane being carried in the path of them as well. 

Unfortunately, the advert is so horribly faked. It was obviously played by actors.  There may have been some people that were genuine in the piece. But how would they not notice the camera and sound people.If it were real it would have been filmed like a Derren Brown piece. Also when the oranges fell over, one of them tripped over - that's either a lawsuit waiting to happen, or an actor. None of which look good for Skyfall or Coke Zero. 

Overall it's a good advert because it has gained a lot of press for it's guerrilla advertising. With over 6.5 million views and counting it has done well for itself.  

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Toyota | Saatchi and Saatchi

I just watched Saatchi's spectacular new Toyota Advertisement. In the advert it recognised that most car adverts market their cars as not being 'real' enough and this new car is breaking out a defining a new mould. It was really well done with the special effects and after the car exploded through the glass it really made the car look stunning.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

"Guerilla" Advertising

Another piece that I found on the front page of Reddit. 

Created by a user on the site for his advertising class. When his class was given the brief to create an advertisement for an Indian job searching website, naukri.com, the rest the class opted for print based works whereas he went for this very creative form of guerilla advertising which something I think more companies should consider when assigning briefs. 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

New Volkswagen Beetle.

Volkswagen has just released a new advertising campaign behind their new beetle with an interesting concept. Their concept is based on the Hindu ideology of karma and reincarnation. It says that if you are good in your previous life you will be rewarded in the next one. Which translates to that the old Beetles are dead and the brand new one is on the horizon ready to take over where the last beetle left off. It also signifies that the old one was good and because of that this new Beetle is going to be better. 
I feel that future car advertisers should learn from Volkswagen and create concepts that can be understood by its target market and not just make people scratch their head and ask "what the hell did I just watch". Volkswagen did a great job with this campaign. 

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Funny Innocent Smoothie Packaging

I found this funny image on Reddit. Not all packaging has to be without humour. 

Gin that lights up!

Design week has just posted an article about a packaging for gin that lights up when picked up! MAGIC! 
This reminded me the thermochromic paint fad among the beer conglomerates such as Carling and Coors. The paint would change colour on the can when the drink was at "optimal drinking temperature". The paint is still on the cans today but isn't advertised as it was now it's just a gimmick. Interactive advertising is becoming more and more prevalent at this time. With the hi five ad shell being an excellent example. 

Hi Five Ad Shell in Machester

We all went to Manchester on Monday to collect some images for our mood boards for trends. And we found this...

It's from http://www.bmbagency.com/ and it would give you a 50p voucher of McCain Chips when you gave it a 'hi five' and it broke after I used it... of course. It's good way of showing us that print based advertisements do not have the to be 2D they can stick out and be interactive as well. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

McDonalds Logo Change

McDonald's famous red and yellow 'M' has changed in favour of the new dark green and yellow design followed on from France. The idea comes from McDonalds trying to be conscious about the environment and putting forward it's "green" attitude. 
The change is yet to come in America however, most likely because the don't want to scare their consumers with change. 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Oldspice Rebrand

Oldspice was a very different company before it was rebranded with its viral video marketing campaign. Before, it was much like a Lynx advert in the 70's and after a while it got a nasty reputation of being an aftershave for old men. Its popularity exploded among the online community after a series of viral videos. After hitting over 43,000,000 views, on youtube, their new range became imprinted into the minds of the online community sparking parodies and sketches. This is the attention we could only dream of. Oldspice continued their videos with Isaiah Mustafa, and later added Terry Crews to the mix. Terry being a rather popular actor boosted the popularity even more so, to the point where the channel has over 305,000,000 views with every video selling their product.